速報APP / 生活品味 / 語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)

語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)


檔案大小:7.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 4.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 日語, 法文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 義大利文, 英語, 西班牙文, 韓語

語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)(圖1)-速報App





- “語音報警”朗讀您定制的語音報警,只要你需要。

- 它的工作原理就像在內置時鐘程序。所有輕點幾下。設置全部完成。你不必學習如何使用。

- 簡單的記錄,或鍵入您的個人備忘錄,並設置重複間隔時間()。

- “記錄”或“文本到語音”的聲音後報警或定時器,可用於鈴聲保存。


- 本地通知 - 需要提醒的應用程序運行(報警,即使你退出應用程序)

- 多個報警(重複具體平日的報警)

- 語音定時器

- 錄音或文字到語音報警(42種語言)

語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)(圖2)-速報App

- 重響

- 20內置鈴聲聲音。


- 記住要(which!)按時服藥

- 記住,你的父母打電話

- 記住(what!)(someone!)任命時間。

- 簡單地說,將節省大量的時間在你的生活!


☆ Create your personal alarms with recorded or text-to-speech voices.

How can we use our incredible iPhone the right way?

How about hiring someone to read you “to-do-list” one by one while you are doing something eles?

No need to run the app or see what’s happening with the alarm. Just hear it!

- “TTS Alarm” reads aloud your customized voice alarms whenever you needed.

語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)(圖3)-速報App

- It works just like built in clock app. All with a few taps. The settings are all done. You don't have to learn how to use.

- Simply record or type your personal memo and set the time (with repeat interval).

- “Recorded” or “text to speech” voices are saved as ringtones that can be used for later alarms or timers.

☆ Features:

- Local notifications - No need to have app running to be reminded (Alarm works even if you exit the app)

- Multiple alarms (Repeat alarms on specific weekdays.)

- Voice timer

- Voice recording or text-to-speech alarms (42 languages)

- Snooze alarm

- 20 built in ringtone sounds.

☆ “TTS Alarm” allows you to:

- Remember to take (which!) medication on time

- Remember to call your parents

語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)(圖4)-速報App

- Remember to have (what!) appointment with (someone!) on time.

- Simply, it will save lots of time in your life!

語音報警 (TTS Alarm free)(圖5)-速報App
